Motels and Hotels
Real Estate
Motels and Hotels: You can find the hotels and motels by distance by going to and putting in the address of the place in Accokeek where you will be visiting or you can use “B & J Carry Out” address which is in “downtown Accokeek” by putting it in the “Business Name” with “Accokeek, MD” click “search” and then click the link “What’s Nearby” and then “Hotels.” Those with paid ads are listed first and then under that are a list according to distance.
Camping: There is just one camping facility in the area. It is in a state park with minimal accomodations for those who really like to “rough it.” Cedarville State Park in Brandywine (about 10 miles to the east) also offers hunting, fishing, hiking and biking trails, and picnicking.
Renting: According to the Census Statistics, there are a below average number of rental units here in comparison with the national average. Many renters do not advertise, they go by word-of-mouth. You may find Realtors listed on the Accokeek Service Businesses page. To find realtors who specialize in rentals, you can also go to and put “realestate” in the “Business Category” section, along with “Accokeek, MD” clicking “search” and then scrolling down the list to “Real Estate-Rental Service” and/or “Rental Agencies”. Classified ads are another place to look for rental homes or rooms. The local newspapers are listed on the Accokeek News page – the Washington Post is the most comprehensive resource.
Real Estate: See the Renting FAQ for Real Estate and other information about locating real estate in the area. To learn about property values, taxes, and current property owners, see the Maryland State Real Property Search and the State Department of Assessments and Taxation. New to the area? Check out this page from the Prince George’s County Government.