Sponsoring this site is cheaper than most newspaper, radio, TV, and other forms of advertising. Make your business noticed by Accokeek, Maryland and vicinity residents and visitors. It is needed to help pay the expenses of running this site.
* Rates are presently
- $15 one-time fee for a business listing on either the service business or product business page with a link to your site if it is in Accokeek or the vicinity in southern Prince George’s County, Maryland.
- $60 per year per link within brief text at the bottom of the home page or any single page.
- $100 per year for banner on home page or any other single page (sizes and placement negotiable)
- $120 per year for image banners on every page of the site at the bottom of each page.
The banners should be 468px × 60px.
All ads must be pre-approved for content and link – this is a family-friendly web site.
Need a banner designed for you? Banners can be designed as low as $50 for a still image or $100 for an animated image, using your logo and design ideas.
For more information or to become a sponsor, email us at web[at]accokeekmd.com or call 301-782-9922.
Need to know other ways your business can use the internet? Check out Dowling Web Consulting & Training for their internet consulting services.
* Rates are subject to change without notice to those who are not already customers.